Tanker Services
First class agency services are granted to every appointed vessel assured by our experience, knowledge and training and supported with our strict quality control and constant training that provides solutions to customer’s needs. We provide special skills and knowhow on this sensitive tanker market which requires a tailor made service 24 hours a day.
- Our finance and accounting system is customized to calculate very close estimates of port expenses supported by official tariffs available to our customers for the easiest cost analysis.
- Professional and Ethical Approach With an Experienced and Committed Team.
- Excellent Relationship with Official Authorities, Ports, Customs and Local Entities.
- Operational Efficiency, Flexibility, Resourcefulness and A ‘Can Do’ Approach
- Easy Connectivity with Team Members after Office Hours through Latest Communication Equipment& Being ‘on-line, Real Time’.
- Financial Discipline, Meticulous Accounting and Belief in Partnering Concept
Sharaf Kuwait has excellent capabilities to fulfill customers’ requirements with the provision of its professional services that include:
- Acting as Owners or Charterers Agent to handle their vessels at all ports of Kuwait
- Quick turnaround of vessels with safe and cost effective handling with high standards of local procurement powers & operational effectiveness
- Real time updates & reporting
- Single point of contact for vessel handling & operations
- Husbanding Services for Vessel and Crew related matters
- Arrangement for Surveys, Repairs and Maintenance for the ships
- Monitoring & managing disbursements / expenses